Resource Protection (Keycloak)⚓︎
EOEPCA defines Building Blocks within a micro-service architecture. The services are subject to protection within an Identity and Access Management (IAM) approach that includes:
- Keycloak - Identity Service (Authorization Server)
- Gatekeeper - Policy Enforcement
Building Blocks that act as a Resource Server are individually protected by a dedicated Gatekeeper instance that enforces the authorization decision in collaboration with the Identity Service (Keycloak).
Gatekeeper ‘inserts itself’ into the request path of the target Resource Server using the auth_request
facility offered by Nginx. Thus, Gatekeeper deploys with an Ingress specification that:
- Configures the
module to defer access authorization to thegatekeeper
service - Configures the ingress rules (host/path) for the target Resource Server
Helm Chart⚓︎
Each Gatekeeper is deployed via the identity-gatekeeper
helm chart from the EOEPCA Helm Chart Repository.
The chart is configured via values - the full set of available values can be seen at
It is expected to deploy multiple instances of the Gatekeeper
chart, one for each Resource Server to be protected.
helm install --version 1.0.12 --values myservice-gatekeeper-values.yaml \
--repo \
myservice-protection identity-gatekeeper
The helm chart is deployed with values that customise the service for the specific needs of the resource-server under protection and the deployment target platform.
Typical values to be specified include:
- Host/domain details for the Keycloak Identity Service, e.g.
- Credentials for the Keycloak client to be used by Gatekeeper (ideally via secret)
- TLS Certificate Provider, e.g.
- Ingress rules definition for reverse-proxy to the target Resource Server
Example myservice-protection-values.yaml
nameOverride: myservice-protection
client-id: myservice
name: myservice
number: 80
# Values for secret 'myservice-protection'
# Note - if ommitted, these can instead be set by creating the secret independently.
clientSecret: "changeme"
encryptionKey: "changemechangeme"
enabled: true
className: nginx
annotations: "true" "true" letsencrypt-production
# Open access to some endpoints, including Swagger UI
- ^/(docs|openapi.json|probe)
Client Credentials⚓︎
Gatekeeper requires Client Credentials for its interactions with the Keycloak identity-service
. These credentials must be supplied by the secret named <myservice>-protection
. The secret can be created directly by the helm chart - via the values secrets.clientSecret
and secrets.encryptionKey
- or perhaps more securely the secret can be created independently (e.g. via a SealedSecret
Client Registration⚓︎
The Keycloak client can be created directly in the Keycloak admin console - e.g. via
As an aide there is a helper script create-client
. The script is available in the deployment-guide
repository, and can be obtained as follows…
The create-client
helper script requires some command-line arguments…
$ ./deploy/bin/create-client -h
Add a client with protected resources.
create-client [-h] [-a] [-i] [-u] [-p] [-c] [-s] [-t | --token t] [-r] --id id [--name name] (--secret secret | --public) [--default] [--authenticated] [--resource name] [--uris u1,u2] [--scopes s1,s2] [--users u1,u2] [--roles r1,r2]
-h show help message
-a authorization server url - e.g.
-i identity-api server url - e.g.
-u username used for authentication
-p password used for authentication
-c client id (of the bootstrap client used in the create request)
-s client secret (of the bootstrap client used in the create request)
-t or --token access token used for authentication
-r realm
--id client id (of the created client)
--name client name (of the created client)
--secret client secret (of the created client)
--public public client (no client secret)
--default add default resource - /* authenticated
--authenticated allow access to the resource only when authenticated
--resource resource name
--uris resource uris - separated by comma (,)
--scopes resource scopes - separated by comma (,)
--users user names with access to the resource - separated by comma (,)
--roles role names with access to the resource - separated by comma (,)
For example…
./deploy/bin/create-client \
-a \
-i \
-r "master" \
-u "admin" \
-p "changeme" \
-c "admin-cli" \
--id=myservice \
--name="Gatekeeper for myservice" \
--secret="changeme" \
--description="Client to be used by Gatekeeper for myservice" \
--resource="eric" --uris='/eric/*' --scopes=view --users="eric" \
--resource="bob" --uris='/bob/*' --scopes=view --users="bob" \
--resource="alice" --uris='/alice/*' --scopes=view --users="alice"
User Tokens⚓︎
Requests to resource server endpoints that are protected by Gatekeeper must carry an Access Token that has been obtained on behalf of the requesting user. The access_token
is carried in the request header…
The Access Token for a given user can be obtained with a call to the token endpoint of the Keycloak Identity Service - supplying the credentials for the user and the pre-registered client…
curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=openid profile email' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=password' \
--data-urlencode 'username=<username>' \
--data-urlencode 'password=<password>' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=admin-cli'
A json response is returned, in which the field access_token
provides the Access Token for the specified <username>
Additional Information⚓︎
Additional information regarding the Gatekeeper can be found at: