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Deployment Guide⚓︎


This current version of the Deployment Guide represents the development tip that goes beyond the latest release version v1.4.

The following provides a summary of changes since the last release (v1.4)…

  • 08/04/2023 - Correction to example usage of the data-access harvester CLI - in particular use of -co, --config-override for values override
  • 03/04/2024 - Update Identity Gatekeeper to chart version 1.0.12 with an alternative approach to establishing ‘open’ access to select request paths (e.g. for docs etc.), to simplify proxying to the backend resource server.
  • 03/04/2024 - Update Data Access to chart 1.4.1 to introduce variables to remedy hard-coded harvester values for access to Creodias eodata. Ref. - CREODIAS_EODATA_S3_ENDPOINT, CREODIAS_EODATA_S3_ACCESS_KEY, CREODIAS_EODATA_S3_ACCESS_SECRET and CREODIAS_EODATA_S3_REGION.
  • 20/03/2024 - Correction to chart path for helm deployment of eoepca-portal
  • 20/03/2024 - Correct hardcoded OAuth client secret for Application Hub
  • 20/03/2024 - Clarify Gatekeeper encryption key must be 16 or 32 characters long
  • 19/03/2024 - ADES stage-out fix (partial) for cwl workflow outputs of type Directory[] - e.g. snuggs sample app
  • 15/03/2024 - Update Application Hub to chart version 2.0.59 to add support for path-prefix (BASE_URL)
  • 08/03/2024 - Update Application Hub to chart version 2.0.58 to fix hard-coded namespace proc
    Namespace can now be set via chart environment variable APP_HUB_NAMESPACE
  • 01/03/2024 - Adjust default Calrissian pod resource limits to 1024 Mi RAM, 2 vCPU
  • 01/03/2024 - Correct default value of PROCESSING_MAX_RAM to the integer value in Mi 1024 (was string 8Gi)

The Deployment Guide captures each release of the EOEPCA Reference Implementation, by providing for each version…

  • Description of how each building-block is configured and deployed - see Deploy EOEPCA Components
  • Scripted deployment in which each building-block can be selectively deployed to form a system - see Getting Started

A full system deployment is described, in which components are deployed with complementary configurations that facilitate their integration as a coherent system. Nevertheless, each component can be cherry-picked from this system deployment for individual re-use.

The deployment is organised into the following sections:

  • Getting Started
    A quickstart guide with associated scripts to facilitate example deployments, which preempt the descriptions that follow later in the document.
    Scripts are provided in a variety of ‘profiles’ that deploy different combinations of building-blocks for different notional use cases.
  • Prepare Cluster
    Establish the Kubernetes cluster and other prerequisites for the deployment of the EOEPCA system.
  • Deploy EOEPCA Components
    Deployment of the EOEPCA components.